
Who we are

Synergy Athlete is the premier strength and conditioning facility in the Gunnison Valley and was the FIRST CrossFit in the region.

*we are no longer a CrossFit affilate


We believe to be  human is to be athletic.

Whether your athleticism is expressed in your long days pounding nails, miles on your bike or vertical on your skis, we are here to support your endeavors and maximize your potential.

We believe there is an athlete mindset in all of us wanting to be nourished and cultivated.

Let our qualified staff help take you there.

We were founded on the premise that life is too short to wish you could do more of what you love.

We train one-on-one and in groups of up to 8-12 individuals at a time.

We teach and employ olympic lifts, gymnastic moves, kettlebells, balls, boxes, and whatever β€œheavy stuff” we find in our lives.

We train indoors and out, while giving our athletes benchmarks and quantifiable results to test and retest, allowing you to track your progress!  

The goal: Be better than you were yesterday.  

We believe in giving back to this unique community.  Ask about our local sponsorships.